Daily Archives: June 27, 2012

The Day There Was ‘A Movement’ at WBC

Pastors always pray for a stirring in a service. Pastors long for there to be movement in response to the hard work put into producing a worship experience. Rarely, however, does it happen when the end result is uncontrolled laughter where the pastor is blaming someone else for what happened.

In recent days, I have reflected on the past 7 years of ministry at Wynne Baptist. Without a doubt, the single most hilarious moment in ministry to date happened about 4 years ago at the close of the 11 o’clock service.

I post the link below by popular demand.

Click here to watch. [Make sure your volume is all the way up for the full effect.]

For those watching this for the first time who have no idea what happened, I would LOVE to read your comments and guesses. Please feel free to comment below.

Go ahead, watch it again. Oh. My. Goodness.