Intentional Prayers for Missionaries (A)

I am the world’s worst, and I mean worst, when it comes to praying the same thing over and over and over again. I need all the help I can get to keep my prayers fresh and intentional. I came across this article last week that was VERY helpful in helping me pray for missionaries…in particular, those overseas. They are seven prayer tools from the Apostle Paul.


In short, the tools are:

1. Pray for Open Doors
2 Pray for Boldness in Witnessing
3. Pray that the Word of God would Spread without Hindrance
4. Pray for Protection
5. Pray their Ministry will be Accepted by Believers
6. Pray for God’s Guidance and Assistance in Travel
7. Pray for Refreshment

Read the whole article and scriptural references here.

About pastormpearson

Follower of Jesus. Husband to Katie. Father to Luke, Seth, and Birtukan. Pastor of the First Baptist Church in El Dorado, Arkansas.

Posted on July 5, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Connie Pearson

    From personal experience, I can say that these prayers — which go beyond the usual “God bless the missionaries on the home and foreign fields” — are very insightful and useful in the lives of every missionary I know. Very, very good suggestions for more specific praying.

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